Anyone Can Get Six-Pack Abs - Motivation and Essential Knowledge For Weight Loss

Can Anyone Get Six-Pack Abs?

The simple answer for the majority of the population is a very big yes. Gaining visible six-pack abs is very much within reach of almost all people and not as difficult as we believe.

Having six-pack abs is the ideal body shape. It is the signature of great health, energy, vitality and attractiveness. You're looking and feeling your best. It adds and raises your confidence and self-esteem. Great health is extremely important.

When you have six-pack abs, you know that you are in great physical and mental health. This is true for men and women alike.

Your Mindset Is Extremely Important

Believe and see yourself having a terrific looking body with six-pack abs is achievable and easy.

If you think and believe that gaining six-pack abs is incredibly difficult to achieve, then it becomes difficult and impossible. Believe it is achievable and easy, then you or anyone can get a six-pack. When you take on any new goal or activity, it is always difficult in the beginning. It looks like a mountain to climb. With the correct knowledge, a resolve to really pursue your goal and with added determination, the goal becomes easier. Step by step you can achieve anything. Gaining great health and six-pack abs is no different.

In our present age and over the past thousands of years, there have been millions of people who would have had six-pack abs without much thought or effort. Through their eating habits and physical daily work it would have been quite natural to have a fine physique with great abs in the past.

Our bodies and organs functions are still the same as they were 100, 200 and 10,000 years ago. The lifestyle and physical work of people living in the past, with no processed foods available, meant they had six-pack abs without needing knowledge of diet and exercise. Because of the enormous choice of foods and with our work generally being non-physical, we need to learn what it takes to have a great physical body.

You don't have to be a Body Builder to have six-pack abs. We see sports stars from sports such as soccer, athletics, basketball, tennis and boxing which have six-pack abs just from the training for their sport and also eating correctly.

Great Tasting Healthy Meals

Eating correctly is vital. The secret is to know how to create and eat great tasting healthy meals. Most people think that to have six-pack abs, you have to eat dull, tasteless and boring food. This definitely is not the case. The secret to gaining six-pack abs is to understand the healthy and unhealthy foods, to make meals that are tasty and healthy to you. And to take part in physical activities that you enjoy.

Body FAT Percentages Required for Six-Pack Abs


Bodybuilding Competition Shape: 8-12%

Very Lean (excellent): Less than 15%

Lean (good): Approximately 16-20%


Bodybuilding Competition Shape: 3-6%

Very Lean (excellent): Less than 9%

Lean (good): Approximately 10-14%

Clear Knowledge On Diet And Exercise Without All The Confusion

There are 100's of different diet plans marketed every day for the past 20 years at you. This has left anyone with a weight problem in total confusion as they try one diet after another. Diets range from starvation, soup only, no carb, non-fat, some carb, 1 meal a day, 2 meals a day, high protein, low carb, celebrity raw food diets and so on. It is total confusion.

Eating should not be confusing. Eating should be second nature to us. What is the formula for diet and exercise so that anyone can get six-pack abs. The answer is 80% diet and 20% exercise. The 80/20 principle again.

80% Diet and 20% Exercise For A Terrific Body With Six-Pack Abs

To get six-pack abs, 80% of the results are gained through your diet and 20% through exercise. This is great news. If it was the other way around, you would have to do 15 to 20

hours a week in the gym to get six-pack abs. Too much exercise will leave you totally exhausted, drained of energy for your career and family life with the added problems of strains and injury to your body.

Concentrate On Your Diet. Think Lifestyle Change

Our diets have really changed over the past 50 years. If you look at old photos of your grand parents, it is hard to find a person which is overweight. In my parents wedding photos, there are no overweight people. Many had physical jobs and their diets had less calories and less processed foods. The quality of their diet would have been many times better. Vegetables, fruit and meat would have been their main food. If they didn't have six-pack abs, then they were close, probably within a couple of percent without it ever being a goal for them. Having a six-pack would be quite natural without even trying.

With diet being 80 percent of what's required so that anyone can gain six-pack abs, it is important that you gain a deep understanding and knowledge about diet. Getting healthy is not about eating dull, boring meals. It's about understanding what are the correct foods to eat, understanding your own food tastes and then preparing tasty meals and drinks around the healthy foods that you enjoy.

Grab a pen and paper and list the vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, salad leaves, nuts and seeds that you like to eat. Then make another list of the different vegetables, fruits, meat and fish etc that you have never tried before and purchase small quantities. Learn to expand your range of foods. Learn to create meals and smoothies from your list of healthy foods which you enjoy eating.

Exercising For A Terrific Body & Six-Pack Abs

Think about the type of physical activity which you enjoy and build intensity into this activity.

The exercise has to have both aerobic and anaerobic movements. Intensive stop and start type of exercise or training. Weight training, aerobics, basketball, soccer, tennis, kick boxing, kettle-bells, Bulgarian bag training, sprinting or fast running, spin classes and advanced Pilate's classes are all examples of the type of exercise which will give you six-pack abs.

Building fitness and intensity into your routine may take time so take it easy in the beginning. Talk with your doctor if you haven't trained in a long time. As you enjoy the exercise or activity, then you will stay with it and as you get stronger and fitter. Then you can start to build intensity into your exercise activity. Intensity is the key to exercising for six-pack abs.

Never Let Exercise Get Boring

Think of exercise as a permanent lifestyle change. That's why it is important to train at something you enjoy doing. Never let exercise get boring. Change the type of exercise if you need. And alternate between different exercises if you have to. In the beginning, start easy and let your body get used to training. Then as you get fitter and stronger, you can put more intensity into your exercise.

Never Give Up And Bounce Back

When the highs and lows of life pull you away from eating healthy and exercising, pick yourself right back up and brush yourself off. Keep in your mind, the picture of you with that terrific body and six-pack abs.

Continuously Build Your Knowledge About Diet, Exercise And Learn To Understand Your Inner Self.

Understanding your inner self is just as important as your knowledge of food and diet. Many people know what foods and exercise they need for six-pack abs. But they don't know and really understand their own inner person. They don't know their own likes and dislikes when it comes to food and exercise. And many people who have weight problems also have self-esteem problems. It's hard to achieve six-pack abs today if a person does not know their inner self or have low to mid self-esteem.

Anyone can have six-pack abs by concentrating mainly on their diet. Then adding enjoyable exercise to your life three or more times a week which has intensity built-in, then you will have a terrific body.

Increasing And Expanding Your Knowledge Of Diet, Nutrition And Exercise

Strive to learn and understand more deeply on the subjects of cooking, diet, exercise, self motivation and self-esteem. With greater understanding of these five areas, then you or anyone can lose tremendous amounts of weight and gain six-pack abs once and for all.

Great body tone, a flat stomach and six-pack abs is not as difficult as we are lead to believe. It is a very realistic and achievable goal for any man to have the strength and ripped abs of a Gladiator or any woman to have the figure and tone of a Hollywood Movie Actress. Please visit our website for many more great articles on how you can achieve your goal of great health, vitality, attractiveness and toned visible six-pack abs. You'll find expert knowledge, inspiration and motivation on exercise programs that work and how to eat tasty healthy meals.

How to Drop a Dress Size in Four Weeks

In this article I'm going to use my 15 years of experience to explain some common myths and misconceptions about fitness and fat loss. Some of the fallacies are so ingrained that it may be very difficult for you to take them on board. What I'm going to present is not only based on convincing science and research but is also backed up by my many years of trying to change people's body shapes.

One of the biggest myths circulated by the food industry and also some members of the fitness industry are that low fat products will help you lose weight. Not only is this not true but often these low fat products will actually help you gain weight due to the fact that all these low fat products invariably replace the fat with sugar.

These high sugar foods cause havoc with your blood sugar and lead to your body storing the excess sugar as fat through the influence of the hormone insulin.

If you really want to lose weight and drop a dress size quickly you need to eat real foods, not packaged rubbish, and stay away from high sugar alternatives that masquerade as low fat foods. Eat organic meat and fish, fresh vegetables, fruit in moderation, nuts and seeds.

The second big myth about weight loss is that lots of cardiovascular exercise will help you tone up and lose weight. Again nothing could be further from the truth. Having worked in numerous gyms for over a decade I can categorically say that the people who spend the most amount of time on the cardio machines see the least amount of body shape changes. The folks who hit the weights room or the exercise studio fare much better. The reason is that weight training and circuit classes are anabolic, in that they build muscle tissue - therefore increasing your resting metabolic rate. When you spend an hour on the cross trainer, which is catabolic, the hormonal effect causes your body to lose muscle mass which obviously decreases your metabolic rate.

If you want to squeeze into that dress in a month's time then spend your workouts lifting weights (even your own body weight) and performing high intensity circuit classes or running drills.

The final myth that I'm going to discuss in this article is the hilarious one about calorie counting or point system based diets. This myth is based on the conclusion that a calorie is a calorie regardless of where it comes from. Without going into the science of why this is ludicrous I will merely point out that if you took two people and fed the first person 2000 calories a day of real foods made up of meat, fish, vegetables, nuts and seeds and stood them next to a person who got the exact same 2000 calories but all in the form of chocolate and crisps then these two people would look vastly different!

While being aware of your caloric intake can have benefits it's much more important to consider where you're getting the calories from and this is the problem with the calorie count model. The answer is to not count calories or restrict them or use any antiquated point scheme but to eat real foods regularly and in sensible portion sizes.

I'm sure many of you will be surprised by some of the points I've made here in this article but I hope it's given you some take away tips to help you drop that dress size in the next month.

The Soup Diet

The Soup Diet

Soup, Soup, Glorious Soup: 5 Great Winter Soups

If you were listening to my teleseminar the other day then you will know that I am a big fan of the soup. Filling, nutritious and easy to digest.

It's hard not to notice the drop in temperature of late and the darker, shorter evenings. Unfortunately, many of us want nothing more than comfort food - often high calorie comfort food.

Soup, however can be both a great comfort food and also quite healthy. Depending on the soup you make, it can be extremely high in nutrients and also relatively low in calories - oh, and most importantly it's also delicious and full of flavour and warmth.

Another great thing about soup is that it has been proven that including soup as part of your meal drastically reduces the number of calories you eat during the entire meal and keeps you feeling full for longer.

Soup can also be kept for long periods of time. Freezing soup ensures it lasts for months on end and can be simply thawed and heated, quickly. This means that whenever you feel like a no hassle meal, soup is your friend.

Here are some delicious soup ideas:

Tomato and Vegetable

This one is full of all sorts of nutrients and goodness and has its fair share of antioxidants as well. Of course, aside from this it is also very tasty, hearty and warming making it an ideal soup for this weather.

Curried Pumpkin Soup

Autumn and winter is the time for pumpkin and other similar vegetables such as butternut squash. Both are very versatile and also provide a range of vitamins and minerals and also very high in fibre - something many of us don't get enough of and something vital for good healthy tummies.

Black bean and Ham Soup

This one has a certain Caribbean feel to it and the beans are great for protein and also fibre. It's a very tasty soup with a range of vegetables and a bit of a kick from the Jalapeno pepper

and paprika - both of which also have health giving properties.

The 'I need more veggies' soup

As you can full well imagine there is a purpose of this soup. It offers the perfect punch of vegetables and also nutrients and is also very tasty and filling thanks to the beans involved. It's not tasteless in any way, shape or form due to the spices and herbs used.

French Soup

For those who want to go a little continental a little French soup never goes amiss and this recipe is the perfect one if you want a little taste.

Soup offers the perfect versatile food and is full of nutrition and goodness and should stave off those nasty winter cravings for heavier foods. We advise you to keep your freezer stocked and should you need some, just ping it in the microwave for five minutes - simples.

How to eat to lose weight?

On the subject of weight loss really talk a lot. However, as can be seen on many forums, there are people who still do not know how to properly eat to lose weight. In this article you will learn that in order to lose weight effectively.

Tips on how to eat while losing weight is really important. Not every novice knows about it and falls into the trap quite troublesome. Instead of losing weight, such a person gaining weight even more and then wonders what she did wrong. Immediately discover the "secret" of people who have already succeeded to lose weight 5 kg, 10 and even 20 pounds!
 I heard once about a man who ate a day just two big meals a day - breakfast and dinner. By eating this way gained weight dramatically, and when I went to the doctor, that told him that his heart and other organs are a much, much older!

So you have to realize that improper diet can not only buy you a lot more body fat, but also unnecessary health problems.

But how do you eat to lose weight the best? You have to eat more frequently but in smaller portions. The best option is a full-fledged eating five meals a day that contain healthy carbohydrates, proteins and fats. If you want, it can also be 6 servings.

It is important that you eat / and every 2-3 hours, and each experienced food eaten slowly.

Why is it they do? Because then your metabolic rate (metabolism) will be accelerated at all times. Body just starts to burn fat faster.

What else, if you eat 2-3 large meals per day, then your body goes into a so-called. hunger mode and begins to store inventory in the form of body fat. The interval between such portions are too big, so if you want a healthy and lose weight once and for all, do not eat every 5-6 hours, but more often.

It should also, of course, always eat at the same times. I know that not everyone can afford it, but I really try to hold on to it, because the results may surprise you pleasantly : )


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